Glass Ionomer Riva Sc (Sdi) Riva Conditioner 10ml

Code: DDFGS018
(exc VAT)
Glass ionomer restorative material Indications: Non stress bearing Class I and II restorations, Deciduous teeth restorations, Geriatric restorations, Intermediate restorative and base material for Class I and II cavities using the sandwich technique, Cervical (Class V) restorations, Core build ups, Temporary fillings, Restorative in the field using the ART technique, Dentin replacement. Riva Conditioner 10ml • Riva Self-Cure 10ml


What is it?

Glass ionomer cements are tooth-coloured materials that bond chemically to dental hard tissues and release fluoride for a relatively long period

What is it used for?

A glass ionomer cement is a dental restorative material used in dentistry for dental fillings and luting cements.